Unveiling The Beauty Of Raw Mined Diamonds

Raw mined diamonds, also known as uncut diamonds or unpolished gems, possess a distinct crystal structure that sets them apart from their polished counterparts. When extracted directly from the Earth, these diamonds often have a rough exterior, resembling ordinary rocks or pebbles. However, their true beauty lies within their unique characteristics and natural allure.

Raw diamonds exhibit a diverse range of crystal formations, typically taking the shape of an octahedron or tetrahedron. Their colors vary widely, from colorless to shades of yellow, brown, and even rare hues such as blue and green. While they may contain inclusions and imperfections, these elements add to the raw beauty and individuality of each diamond.

To truly appreciate and distinguish a raw diamond, visual inspection alone is not enough. By conducting tests such as hardness testing, thermal conductivity testing, and density testing, one can determine the authenticity of a raw diamond. Additionally, it’s essential to be aware of common look-alikes, such as cubic zirconia, moissanite, quartz, feldspar, and Herkimer diamonds.

Raw diamonds are a marvel of nature, formed deep within the Earth’s mantle through natural processes. They are brought to the surface through volcanic activity, showcasing their hidden treasures.

As an alternative to mined diamonds, lab-grown diamonds are gaining popularity due to their ethical and sustainable nature. These diamonds have the same chemical and physical properties as their natural counterparts and are created in a controlled laboratory environment.

Join us as we delve deeper into the characteristics, origins, and journey of raw diamonds, unearthing the untouched elegance and distinct allure that these natural gems possess.

What Does A Raw Diamond Look Like?

Raw diamonds, also known as rough diamonds, possess a unique appearance that sets them apart from their polished counterparts. At first glance, raw diamonds may appear similar to ordinary rocks or pebbles due to their rough exterior. However, upon closer inspection, their distinct crystal structure becomes evident.

The raw diamond’s crystal structure typically takes the form of an octahedron or tetrahedron, lending it a striking geometric shape. This natural formation gives raw diamonds their characteristic charm and allure. Each facet of the crystal structure reflects light in its own unique way, creating a dazzling display of brilliance.

While raw diamonds may lack the lustrous polish of their refined counterparts, it is precisely this unrefined quality that appeals to many individuals. The raw diamond embodies a sense of natural beauty and authenticity, capturing the raw and untouched essence of the Earth.

As shown in the image above, the raw diamond’s rough exterior and distinct crystal structure can be appreciated when viewed up close. It serves as a testament to the exquisite beauty that lies within these uncut gems.

Raw Diamond Characteristics

Raw diamonds are truly remarkable in their natural state, exhibiting a wide range of characteristics that make them unique. From their captivating colors to their distinct crystal forms, raw diamonds offer a glimpse into the wonders of nature.

  1. Color: Raw diamonds come in various colors, ranging from colorless to beautiful shades of yellow, brown, and even rare hues like blue and green. This diverse color palette adds to the allure and individuality of each raw diamond.
  2. Clarity: Unlike their polished counterparts, raw diamonds may have varying clarity levels. They can contain inclusions and imperfections that further enhance their natural beauty. These imperfections give each raw diamond its own unique character.
  3. Crystal Form: Raw diamonds exhibit a wide range of crystal forms, often displaying distorted or irregular shapes. While their polished counterparts are carefully cut into standardized shapes, raw diamonds retain the original crystal structures formed deep within the Earth.
  4. Inclusions and Imperfections: Raw diamonds frequently have more visible inclusions and imperfections compared to their polished counterparts. These natural flaws are often cherished and appreciated for the authenticity they bring to the stone.

By preserving their natural state, raw diamonds showcase the raw beauty of the Earth’s hidden treasures. The imperfections and unique characteristics of raw diamonds make them truly one-of-a-kind gems.

Stay tuned for the next section where we explore different methods to distinguish raw diamonds from other minerals.

Distinguishing Raw Diamonds

To accurately distinguish raw diamonds from other minerals, several tests and inspections can be performed. These methods include visual inspection, hardness testing, thermal conductivity testing, and density testing. By examining the stone and conducting these various tests, it becomes possible to determine if a stone is a raw diamond.

During the visual inspection, one can examine the stone’s appearance and characteristics. Raw diamonds often possess a rough exterior and irregular shapes. However, a distinctive crystal structure, typically taking the form of an octahedron or tetrahedron, can be observed upon closer examination.

Hardness testing is another crucial method for identifying raw diamonds. Since diamonds are known for their exceptional hardness, a simple hardness test can help distinguish them from other minerals. By using a tool such as a diamond tester or conducting a scratch test, any stone that scratches or damages other materials is likely to be a raw diamond.

Thermal conductivity testing can also aid in differentiating raw diamonds from imitations or other minerals. Diamonds have excellent thermal conductivity, meaning they can quickly transfer heat. Using a thermal conductivity tester, one can measure how efficiently heat travels through the stone, providing further evidence of its authenticity as a raw diamond.

Lastly, density testing plays a vital role in distinguishing raw diamonds. Diamonds have a high density due to their unique composition. By comparing the stone’s weight in air and in water, one can calculate its density. If the calculated density aligns with the typical density range of diamonds, it confirms the stone’s identity as a raw diamond.

To summarize, differentiating raw diamonds from other minerals involves a comprehensive examination using visual inspection, hardness testing, thermal conductivity testing, and density testing. By implementing these methods, it becomes possible to identify the true nature of a stone and determine if it is indeed a raw diamond.

Common Look-Alikes

When it comes to identifying raw diamonds, it’s important to be aware of the common look-alikes that often get mistaken for the real thing. While they may share some similarities, these gemstones differ in crucial aspects such as hardness, crystal structure, and other physical properties.

Cubic Zirconia

One popular diamond alternative is cubic zirconia (CZ). This synthetic gemstone is optically similar to a diamond and often used as a substitute in jewelry. However, unlike raw diamonds, cubic zirconia is not naturally occurring and has a lower hardness rating.


Another common look-alike is moissanite, a lab-grown gemstone that closely resembles a diamond. While moissanite shares some optical properties with raw diamonds, it has a different crystal structure and lower hardness.


Quartz is a mineral that can be easily mistaken for a raw diamond due to its transparent appearance and similar refractive index. However, quartz is considerably softer than diamonds and lacks their distinct crystal structure.


Feldspar is another gemstone that can be confused with a raw diamond. It often comes in various colors and has a vitreous luster, similar to diamonds. However, feldspar is much softer and lacks the durability and brilliance of diamonds.

Herkimer Diamonds

Herkimer diamonds are double-terminated quartz crystals found in New York State. Despite their name, they are not actual diamonds but are commonly mistaken for raw diamonds due to their clarity and colorless appearance. Unlike raw diamonds, Herkimer diamonds have a different crystal structure and lower hardness.

It is crucial to distinguish these look-alikes from raw diamonds to avoid any misunderstandings or misrepresentations. Understanding their differences in hardness, crystal structure, and physical properties can help identify true raw diamonds and appreciate their unique beauty.

Sources Of Raw Diamonds

Raw diamonds, the precious gems in their natural state, are found in various geological formations around the world. Let’s explore the different sources where these captivating stones originate.


Cratons, ancient and stable parts of the Earth’s continental crust, serve as primary sources of raw diamonds. These vast regions, which can be billions of years old, contain the necessary conditions for diamond formation.

Kimberlite Pipes

Kimberlite pipes, narrow volcanic conduits, are known for their rich diamond deposits. These vertical channels carry diamonds to the Earth’s surface during volcanic eruptions. Kimberlite pipes are often found in cratons and play a significant role in diamond mining.

Lamprophyre Dikes

Lamprophyre dikes, mineral-rich veins cutting through the Earth’s crust, can also host raw diamonds. These narrow intrusions help transport diamonds from their deep-seated sources closer to the surface.

High-Pressure Metamorphic Rocks

High-pressure metamorphic rocks, forged under extreme pressure and temperature conditions, contribute to the formation of raw diamonds. Over time, these rocks undergo geological processes that transform carbon-rich minerals into diamonds.


In rare cases, meteorites, celestial bodies that survive entry into Earth’s atmosphere, may contain trace amounts of diamonds. These meteoric diamonds offer a unique glimpse into the extraterrestrial origins of these coveted gemstones.

To gain a deeper understanding of the geological processes behind raw diamond formation, let’s take a look at the image below:

Now that we’ve explored the various sources of raw diamonds, let’s proceed to the next section to learn more about the fascinating world of lab-grown diamonds.

Lab-Grown Diamonds

As the demand for ethical and sustainable alternatives to mined diamonds continues to rise, lab-grown diamonds have emerged as a popular choice. These diamonds offer the same chemical and physical properties as natural diamonds but are created in controlled laboratory environments.

Lab-grown diamonds provide a sustainable option for those looking to reduce their environmental impact. By opting for lab-grown diamonds, consumers can avoid supporting the mining industry and the associated social and environmental concerns.

One of the key advantages of lab-grown diamonds is their traceability. Unlike mined diamonds, lab-grown diamonds can be easily traced back to their origin and production process. This transparency helps ensure the ethical sourcing and manufacturing of these diamonds.

Additionally, lab-grown diamonds offer a more affordable alternative to their mined counterparts. These diamonds are typically priced lower than natural diamonds of similar quality, making them accessible to a wider range of consumers.

Advantages Of Lab-Grown Diamonds:

  • Same chemical and physical properties as natural diamonds
  • Ethical and sustainable alternative to mined diamonds
  • Traceable origin and production process
  • More affordable than natural diamonds

With their identical chemical and physical properties to natural diamonds, lab-grown diamonds are an excellent alternative for those seeking a beautiful and sustainable option without compromising on quality.

Origins Of Raw Diamonds: The Earth’s Hidden Treasures

Raw diamonds, with their natural formation and unique beauty, have a fascinating origin deep within the Earth’s mantle. These precious gems are formed through a remarkable volcanic journey that begins millions of years ago.

Deep beneath the Earth’s surface, incredible heat and pressure cause carbon atoms to bond together and crystallize, forming raw diamonds. These diamonds are then transported to the surface during volcanic eruptions and through peculiar geological structures known as kimberlite pipes.

During a volcanic eruption, magma forcefully rises from the Earth’s mantle, carrying raw diamonds with it. As the magma cools and solidifies, it forms rock formations that contain concentrations of these precious stones. Over time, erosion and natural forces expose these diamond-rich rocks, making them accessible for mining.

The journey of raw diamonds doesn’t end there. Kimberlite pipes, another pathway for raw diamonds, are vertical columns of volcanic rock that extend deep into the Earth’s mantle. These pipes, formed by ancient volcanic activity, act as conduits, transporting raw diamonds from the mantle to the Earth’s surface.

The intense heat and pressure in the mantle create the perfect conditions for raw diamonds to form. As the magma rises through the kimberlite pipes, it picks up raw diamonds along the way. When these eruptions occur, they release the diamonds onto the surface, where they become an incredible natural resource.

Throughout their volcanic journey, raw diamonds are shaped and transformed by the immense geological forces at play. These rare gemstones carry within them a captivating story of the Earth’s hidden treasures.

Characteristics Of Raw Diamonds: Nature’s Unrefined Beauty

Raw diamonds are known for their natural beauty and unique characteristics. With their diverse range of shapes, these uncut gems offer a glimpse into the raw and organic forms of nature’s creations.

Included within the structure of raw diamonds are inclusions and imperfections, which contribute to their individuality. These natural features tell a story of the diamond’s formation and add to its charm and allure.

Color is another fascinating aspect of raw diamonds. From colorless to various shades of yellow, brown, blue, and green, these gems exhibit a wide spectrum of beautiful hues. Each diamond’s color is a testament to the geological conditions and elements present during its crystal formation.

When it comes to clarity, raw diamonds can vary significantly. Some display a high level of clarity, while others may feature visible inclusions. These inclusions are often referred to as nature’s fingerprint, providing a unique and distinctive characteristic to each individual diamond.

The crystal formations of raw diamonds also contribute to their visual appeal. Whether they take the form of an octahedron or a tetrahedron, the diverse shapes of raw diamonds showcase their natural growth patterns and give them a natural, unrefined beauty.

The mesmerizing beauty of raw diamonds lies in their untouched state, preserving the wonders of nature within each gemstone. From their diverse shapes to the imperfections and inclusions that make them one-of-a-kind, raw diamonds exemplify the raw and unrefined beauty that nature has to offer.

Raw To Refined: The Journey Of A Diamond

Once raw diamonds are extracted through mining, they undergo a meticulous refining process to transform them into exquisite gems. This process involves cutting and polishing the raw stones to enhance their beauty and value. Skilled artisans carefully analyze each diamond’s shape, color, clarity, and inclusions to determine the best cut that will maximize its brilliance and allure.

Before the refining process begins, it’s important to note that only a small percentage of mined diamonds are suitable for jewelry purposes. The majority of raw diamonds are used for industrial applications due to their inherent strength and durability.

Refining raw diamonds is a complex and precise art that requires the expertise of professionals who understand the nuances of each stone. The cutting stage involves shaping the diamond by carefully removing excess material, ensuring that the facets are symmetrical and proportioned correctly. This step is vital in determining the diamond’s brilliance and sparkle.

Once the diamond is cut, it enters the polishing phase. Skilled polishers use various techniques and tools to refine the surface of the diamond, eliminating any imperfections and enhancing its luster. Through polishing, the raw diamond evolves into a brilliant gem that captivates the eye with its dazzling beauty.

The transformation from a raw diamond to a refined gem is a testament to human craftsmanship and the enduring allure of these precious stones. Each diamond’s journey represents the culmination of mining, refining, cutting, and polishing, resulting in a breathtaking gem that can be cherished for a lifetime.

The Importance Of Cutting And Polishing

  • Proper cutting enhances a diamond’s brilliance and reflects maximum light, optimizing its sparkle.
  • Precise polishing removes scratches and blemishes, making the diamond’s surface smooth and enhancing its clarity.
  • The quality of cutting and polishing directly influences a diamond’s value and overall aesthetic appeal.

Diamond Jewelry: Showcasing The Untouched Elegance

Raw diamonds are not only admired in their natural state but are also used to create exquisite diamond jewelry pieces that capture their untouched elegance. From engagement rings to pendants and necklaces, diamond jewelry showcases the unique allure of raw diamonds.

When raw diamonds are carefully crafted into jewelry, their raw and uncut form adds a distinct charm to the finished pieces. The rough exterior and natural irregularities of raw diamonds create an organic aesthetic that appeals to those seeking a unique and untouched beauty.

Engagement rings adorned with raw diamonds offer a captivating alternative to traditional diamond rings. The raw diamond center stone symbolizes the rawness and authenticity of love, making it a meaningful choice for couples seeking a non-traditional ring that represents their unique bond.

Pendants and necklaces featuring raw diamonds provide an opportunity to wear a piece of nature’s brilliance close to the heart. The specks of inclusions and imperfections within the raw diamonds serve as a reminder of the earthy origin and raw beauty that cannot be replicated through polishing and cutting.

Each diamond jewelry piece showcases the individuality and natural allure of raw diamonds. The distinct characteristics of these unpolished gems create a captivating contrast against the refined metal settings, resulting in one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces that tell a story of untouched elegance.

Explore the enchanting world of raw diamond jewelry and embrace the raw beauty that these unique gems have to offer.


Raw mined diamonds possess an undeniable natural beauty that sets them apart. Their unique characteristics, such as their distinct crystal structure and diverse colors, make them truly one-of-a-kind. Through various tests and inspections, raw diamonds can be easily distinguished from other minerals, ensuring their authenticity.

Furthermore, raw diamonds offer an ethical alternative to traditional mined diamonds. With increasing concern for the environment and ethical sourcing, raw diamonds provide a sustainable choice for those seeking exquisite jewelry. By opting for raw diamonds, consumers can support a more responsible and transparent diamond industry.

In summary, raw mined diamonds captivate with their raw and unrefined allure. Their natural beauty, combined with their unique characteristics, makes them an extraordinary choice for jewelry enthusiasts. With ethical alternatives like raw diamonds, individuals can embrace the beauty of diamonds while maintaining their values and commitment to sustainability.


What Are Raw Diamonds?

Raw diamonds, also known as rough diamonds, are uncut and unpolished gems that have been extracted directly from the Earth. They often have a rough exterior and may resemble ordinary rocks or pebbles. However, they possess a distinct crystal structure, usually taking the form of an octahedron or tetrahedron.

How Can One Distinguish A Raw Diamond?

Distinguishing raw diamonds from other minerals can be done through visual inspection, hardness testing, thermal conductivity testing, and density testing. By examining the stone and performing various tests, such as scratch tests and heat conductivity tests, one can determine if a stone is a raw diamond.

What Are The Common Look-Alikes For Raw Diamonds?

Cubic zirconia, moissanite, quartz, feldspar, and Herkimer diamonds are commonly mistaken for raw diamonds. These look-alikes share similar characteristics but differ in hardness, crystal structure, and other physical properties.

Where Can Raw Diamonds Be Found?

Raw diamonds can be found in cratons, ancient parts of the Earth’s continental crust, as well as in kimberlite pipes and lamprophyre dikes. High-pressure metamorphic rocks also contribute to the formation of raw diamonds. In rare cases, meteorites can contain trace amounts of diamonds.

What Are Lab-Grown Diamonds?

Lab-grown diamonds are becoming increasingly popular as an ethical and sustainable alternative to mined diamonds. They have the same chemical and physical properties as natural diamonds but are created in a laboratory setting.

How Are Raw Diamonds Transformed Into Refined Diamonds?

After being mined, raw diamonds undergo a refining process, including cutting and polishing. Skilled cutters determine the best cut for each diamond based on its shape, color, clarity, and inclusions. Only a small percentage of the mined diamonds are suitable for jewelry, while the rest are used for industrial purposes.

What Is Raw Diamond Jewelry?

Raw diamond jewelry pieces, such as engagement rings, pendants, and necklaces, showcase the untouched elegance of raw diamonds and their natural beauty.


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